Richiesta informazioni

Ufficio di Informazione e Accoglienza Turistica IAT

Via Vittorio Emanuele 172,
presso i Giardini del Palazzo del Parco

The Project

Open-air permanent exhibition

The permanent exhibition consists of an installation and a website.

The installation along the intermediate level of the breakwater of the port of Bordighera consists of life-size, 1:1 scale silhouettes with naturalistic drawings of the eight species of cetaceans living in the Mediterranean Sea and 10 panels measuring 2 metres by 1 metre. The first two, of an introductory nature, present the Pelagos Sanctuary and the cetaceans present in our seas, the different possibilities of encountering cetaceans at sea and how to do so without disturbing them in order to mitigate the disturbance to cetaceans caused by boats.

One part is also dedicated to "guiding" visitors in reading the other eight panels, which alongside each cetacean silhouette provide information and curiosities on the different species through text content in three languages (Italian, English and French), infographics and photographic images.

The exhibition is open to all and can be visited every day and at any time.

Open-air permanent exhibition